Music Recall Magazine was founded in February 2011 with the main goal of covering major music and entertainment in the Southeastern United States with a focus on SC, NC and GA.

We are centrally located in South Carolina in Columbia. And that makes us able to dispatch within SC and the surrounding areas. We are at the heart of the Southeast!

We are based on journalistic integrity. We offer objective reviews, news articles and interviews with major players in the game. We are always looking to expand our magazine to better serve all of our readers.

When a concert comes to town or an album is released, you can always count on us to keep YOU informed.

We have been approved by major concert tours all around the Southeast. MRM has no plans of stopping anytime soon. When we are on the road providing media coverage, we turn it up to 11! We listen to our fans. YOU are our driving force!

We are constantly facilitating relationships with contacts in the music and entertainment industries for the betterment of MRM.

We are “The Southeast’s Premiere Online Music and Entertainment Magazine!”
